New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!

New book from NYT bestselling author Lewis Howes is now available!


There are different paths to success.  Wouldn’t you agree?

Arthur Kade is someone who has a clear goal in mind, takes massive action each day to achieve his goal, and doesn’t let anyone negative stop him along his journey.

Are you doing this along your journey to success?

There are some people that love who he is, and what he does… and there are others who disagree with everything he represents.

If you take 30 seconds to read parts of his blog, or watch one of his gazillion videos you will know why.

I’m not here to comment on the controversial things he posts on his site, but rather talk about his approach to achieving his dreams as everyone can learn something from his approach.  Check out this video interview I did with Arthur below:

(*disclaimer* Arthur swears and uses offensive language, so if you don’t feel like being offended today, then don’t watch this video, and watch this one instead)

Again I’m not here to judge Arthur on the things he does or says that you may or may not take offense to, instead, I’m here to talk about his passion and his attitude.

Arthur has built a pretty nice brand for himself in less than a years time.   The action steps he is taking is one to take notice of as he is constantly doing something to build his personal brand.  The success he is receiving has come directly from being completely transparent, not listening to the critics, taking massive action, and going after what he wants (as opposed to waiting for someone to hand it to him).

Can you appreciate Arthur’s hustle and accomplishments?  Are you taking these steps along your journey to success?  Are you visualising your goals every day and see yourself holding your own Oscar?  Time to step things up on your journey to success… wouldn’t you agree?

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